Blueberry Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Ice Cream

Have you ever been to a Cold Stone? Do those even exist anymore?

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Ice Cream

Besides paying an arm and a leg for a scoop of ice cream, cold stone was THE place to go way back when. There was one right by my house and a lot of times all the cool kids would be like, “Let’s meet at cold stone?” In my mind I was thinking, “Hell to the yea!” , but what came out was, “I mean, sure yea that’s cool. If ice cream is your thing.” I couldn’t let people know my TRUE love of food, although the size of my JLO booty might have said otherwise…So I had to play it cool.

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Ice Cream

Founders Favorite.

I can still remember the taste to this day. Cake batter ice cream, soft and rich brownie chunks mixed with caramel and chocolate sauce. It’s definitely a girls night/stress eating/my boyfriend just broke up with me kind of ice cream.

And to think they rejected my application to work there…

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Ice Cream

This ice cream I made doesn’t taste anything like a Founders Favorite. You’re welcome.

I really do want to re-create/health-ify that ice cream some day, but for now there is this Blueberry Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Ice Cream. Waaa Waaa. (Way to sell that one Arielle.)

It all started when Jessica from How Sweet It Is shared her Blackberry Chip Ice Cream which sounded and looked delicious! I knew I was going to make it for our Fourth of July Party! Then the night before I completely spaced and hadn’t purchased any of the ingredients. What’s new?

So I searched through the fridge and realized I had multiple containers of plain greek yogurt and a ton of blueberries. Light Bulb!

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Ice Cream

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

  • 4 cups plain greek yogurt ice cream
  • 1½ c. blueberries
  • 2 tb. water
  • 1 TB. vanilla
  • ¾ c. pure cane sugar*
  • heaping ½ c. dark chocolate, finely chopped
  • *If I were making this for myself I would be fine with ½, but greek yogurt can be pretty tart so if you are making this for a crowd I would keep the sugar at ¾ c. You could also sub a liquid sweetener to taste, but it will change the taste a little. I haven’t tried this with coconut sugar, but it’s a possibility.

  1. In a food processor, blend the blueberries and water until pureed.
  2. using the back of a spoon, push the mixture thorough a fine strainer to remove all of the skins.
  3. In a bowl, whisk together the yogurt, sugar, vanilla, blueberries, and chocolate.
  4. Let cool in the fridge for about an hour.
  5. Make your ice cream in your ice cream maker according the makers instructions.
  6. Serve immediately or freeze in the freezer.
  7. If it’s frozen in the freezer, allow it to thaw for about 15-20 minutes before serving.

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Ice Cream

Greek yogurt ice cream might be my new favorite thing! Can you imagine all of the flavor possibilities and combinations?!

Maybe, just maybe, there will be a Founders Favorite Greek Yogurt on here some day…

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